Visit FatFree Vegan Kitchen for hundreds of hand-tested recipes from Susan Voisin’s kitchen. Subscribe to BBC Good Food magazine and get triple-tested recipes delivered to your door, every month. Until then, I can pretend, thanks to a new cookbook by Ethan Ciment and Michael Suchman of Vegan Mos This awesome vegan duo lives in New York City, and they’ve just published a new book called NYC Vegan.

I absolutely love what I do, selling English Transferware and authoring the blog Nancy’s Daily Dish where I write educational posts on the subject, create tablescapes with different transfer ware patterns sharing the histories behind them, and share my love of design, cooking, poetry and appreciation of beautiful things.vegan recipes

Since giving the Fast Track Digestion approach a try, I’ve reintroduced Jasmine rice, a few products made from white rice (flour, puffed cereal, crackers and pasta), small amounts of various sweeteners (cane sugar, maple syrup, honey, molasses, coconut sugar) as well as greater amounts of fruits (yippee!!!) I’m also having sweet potato and sweet potato noodles again (I stopped during the FTD), which really help in the variety department.

And I totally don’t mind getting emails- I do enjoy it, you guys know this, but it might be easy to have a place to point to all the information. It sure does make this vegan heart happy to see non-vegans digging and enjoying my vegan cheese! Vegan Chili Mac Tote along a tub of this to spoon atop grilled portobellos or vegan hot dogs.

Many of these vegan recipes are also easy to make, so you can quickly get a meal or snack on the table in almost no time at all. Walnut Tacos Easy to assemble and make vegan by using nondairy yogurt or sour cream. If you’re looking to lose weight, I do encourage you to find a local Weight Watchers location and join.

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2830 Homestead Rd, Santa Clara, CA

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