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Count down through our top 50 most-saved recipes, then save them in your online Recipe Box. Today I am going to share with you two of my grandmother’s favorite recipes that she used to make for her church bake sale. Basic chicken gets an upgrade when breaded with a crispy parmesan garlic crust. So I fiddled around with my Flourless Chocolate Cake recipe and rustled up a divine and creamy chocolate cake so special you’ll want to share it with company.

It is said that many of the recipes were plagiarised from earlier writers such as Acton, but the Beetons never claimed that the book’s contents were original. The first time I made Pineapple Tarts with this recipe was 2014 and every year after that, my husband will keep asking me to make!

Slice the shallots and shred the chicken finely; asute the shallots in a little oil, add the …

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