This loaded quiche recipe takes some preparation — but it is well worth the wait. Carefully put the quiche back into the oven with the baking tray and bake for 35 minutes or until the surface is golden brown and the filling has set. This quiche did take a little longer, since I roasted the tomatoes and wilted the spinach first – but that only took an extra 15 minutes of time.quiche recipequiche recipe

Please Select Username to appear on public areas of the site like community and recipe comments. My mom isn’t the biggest fan of mushrooms, so I only used about 5 ounces of portobellas, a little over two cups of baby shrimp, and some sweet peas and spinach.quiche recipe

Remove spinach mixture from the pan and give it a rough chop, add to the egg mixture. Tom Aikens’ delicate Asparagus and chervil quiche would make an elegant light lunch or a welcome addition to any picnic basket. Otherwise, I followed the instructions exactly as written and this quiche was AMAZING….a definite keeper.

Oh also – I live very near the ‘mushroom capital of the world’ – Avondale, PA. You can go to the mushroom farms (but hold your nose!) and buy huge boxes of mushrooms for so cheap! Thawed frozen spinach is full of water and you’ll want to blot it as much as you can.

Storage: Leftover baked and cooled quiche can be stored wrapped in the fridge for up to 5 days. I chose this recipe because I was hoping for something outstanding but this was a disaster. The only thing that was different was I added ham that was left over from Easter.

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